Richard Harvey
connecting psychotherapy and spiritual growth for human awakening
Waldorf-Steiner education offers a unique and distinctive approach which aims to enable each stage of the child’s growth to be fully and vividly enjoyed and experienced.
Waldorf-Steiner education is based upon the educational and spiritual philosophy of Rudolf Steiner, the founder of anthroposophy. The approach emphasizes imagination, develops thinking—creatively as well as analytically—and provides young people with the basis on which to develop into free, moral and integrated individuals and fulfill their unique destinies.
The academic, artistic and social aspects of “head, heart & hands” are treated as complementary facets of a single program of learning, allowing each to throw light on the others in a balanced approach to the modern school curriculum.
Using art and language to develop feelings, the rich heritage of wise folk tales, histories, fairy stories, poems, music and games that are part of our world civilisation to create the cultural atmosphere, children are taught reading, writing, arithmetic, nature study, geography, science, languages, music and other subjects.
Rudolf Steiner designed a curriculum that responds to the developmental phases of childhood and the nurturing of the child’s imagination. Steiner believed that education should address the needs of the child rather than the demands of the government or economic forces, so he developed schools that encourage creativity and free-thinking. His teaching recognises the individuality of the child and through a balanced education, allows them to go into the world with self-confidence.
“The need for imagination, a sense of truth and a feeling of responsibility…are the three forces which are the very nerve of education.”—Rudolf Steiner
The unique quality of human beings is our capacity for conscious thought. Steiner education strives to support the development of well-rounded human beings who are able to feel deeply and broadly, to think penetratingly and clearly, and to act rightly out of conscious and free choice.
“Our highest endeavour must be to develop individuals who are able out of their own initiative to impart purpose and direction to their lives.”—Rudolf Steiner
Steiner education aims to support a harmonious development of the three soul faculties of willing, feeling and thinking, taking full account of the physical and emotional growth phases of the child. While these three faculties are always interacting, there is a particular emphasis on the development of the will during the first seven years. Children learn most of what is worthy of imitation through activities.
During the second seven years the education of the feeling life is nurtured through the guiding authority of the teacher, integrating the artistic, imaginative elements into the learning process.
During the third seven years the faculty of thinking is more directly emphasised by challenging the adolescents to individual judgement and to more conscious participation in their education.
Steiner warned against the negative effects of encouraging children’s intellectual and analytical capacities too early (before puberty). The approach to Steiner education is never based on teaching from fixed material. It needs to be created and recreated anew in every teacher.
How the curriculum is implemented is intimately geared to the physiological and psychological growth of the child. Children need to fulfil their childhood during each phase without being hurried into the intellectual, materialistic world-view of our times and participate creatively in the unfolding of their individual potential
Steiner defined “three golden rules” for teachers:
The Steiner teacher respects and reveres the special qualities of each stage of childhood in the way children are spoken to, the materials used, the activities undertaken and the approach to learning at each developmental stage.
The Steiner teacher is dedicated to creating a genuine love of learning within each child. By using art, craft, music and language in conjunction with the teaching of academic subjects, learning become a living, creative process. Through both sensory and intellectual nourishment children are enriched and enlivened in the act of learning.
Steiner teachers believe that children should not be rushed into adult consciousness but allowed to savour childhood. To assist the young people to learn to know and love the world in childhood, to begin to develop good judgement in adolescence and freely take responsibility for life’s journey in adulthood are our tasks as teachers and parents.
Nicky teaches small groups and individual children from the Steiner perspective.
She graduated as a Steiner teacher from the North of England Steiner Teacher training (NESTT) course in 2001. She attended Dartington College of Arts from 1989-91 on a degree course in performing arts, where she co-founded the performance arts group “Junk Doctors”, creating sculpture and installations from recycled materials, ran mask workshops, and wrote and performed street theatre.
From 1984–86 she attended the Central School of Speech and Drama in London.
Since 2005 Nicky has been teaching small groups and individual children in Andalucia. She has worked in an orientation programme for 15+ youths, taught in Steiner classes and kindergarten, founded a home schooling group, and worked with Natural Birth groups and in the alternative/complementary field. She was a counselor for the Campaign Against Solvent Abuse and taught youth drama groups.
My daughter is learning so much with
Nicky and is always more than happy to go to her class. Nicky stimulates and nurtures my daughter's natural desire to learn…
Fantastic! A.B.
Thank you for being such a special person and wonderful teacher in my child’s life. Your love radiates through all she is bringing back from the mornings with you.
Nicky Harvey
Cortijo Llano de Manzano
Aptdo. de Correos 183
18400 Orgiva
Granada, Spain
Mob: (00 34) 680 741 108 (anytime)
Tel: (00 34) 958 953 033 (9-10 am or 6-7 pm)
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